Stand Against Voter Suppression
Stand Against Voter Suppression is a Project TEAL campaign dedicated to addressing the increase in voter suppression measures since the 2020 election. After former President Donald Trump falsely claimed rampant election fraud had occurred, legislatures all over the country began drafting legislation to restrict voting accessibility. We believe these bills present a challenge to American democracy and will further political apathy. Project TEAL has created this campaign to ensure youth voices are heard in the decision making regarding our accessibility to voting in the future and those of disadvantaged communities.
Lobby day
Join us on April 30th at 5:00 EST for an email/phonebanking event to voice your concerns and resistance towards these voter suppression bills in your state. Activists will be supplied and prepared with the resources they need to be successful lobbyists. Sign up with the link in our Instagram's bio area and access Project TEAL's resources, such as our interactive legislative advocacy directory with all pending legislation in state legislatures. Make sure to follow our Instagram account for more on this campaign on Project TEAL.
Activist Toolkit
As part of the Stand Against Voter Suppression campaign, Project TEAL compiled resources for activists to foster a better understanding of the history of voter suppression in the United States.

Bills in state legislatures with restrictive provisions.
Sample Call Script
Hello, I'm ____ from _____. I am calling today to voice my concerns on pending bills within the _____ (state) legislature. I strongly believe that _____ (bill), which ___ (bill type), will reduce voting accessibility and will foster political apathy. As a constituent, I worry about my ability to easily vote in ____ (state) and see this as a threat to our democracy. I urge that ______ (office you are calling) speak out about these types of voter suppression and works towards making civic engagement more accessible. Thank you.
ADvocacy Directory
Below you can find our interactive directory on all these bills, sorting them by issue or by state. Additionally, please use our sample phone-banking script to voice your concerns to your Governor, State Legislator, or Attorney General.
(Please note that you will only be able to use buttons and dropdowns on this directory.) Information sourced from the Brennan Center.

Voter suppression Workshop
Created by the Curriculum Development Team, Project TEAL is proud to present its Voting Laws workshop as part of its High School Curriculum. Project TEAL works with school districts all over the country to implement civics education curricula, workshops, and lessons created by our Curriculum Development Team for both Elementary/Middle school and High School. Whether you are a student, teacher, or someone passionate about civics, we hope that you find educational value in our work!